Board of Directors

The Central Bank of Sudan Act (Amendment, 2012) stipulate the establishment of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Sudan as follows:

  • The Governor, ex officio Chairman,
  • The two deputies of the Governor,
  • The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance and Economyic Planning,
  • Three persons from those possessed of efficiency to be appointed by the President of the Republic And the Board shall be subject to the supervision of the presidency.

Functions and Powers of the Board
The Board shall have the following functions and powers, to:

  • Organize the policy of the Bank, in such way, as may achieve the objects thereof, and manage the general affairs and business of the same, upon sound bases;
  • Specify the monetary and financing policies, and specify the policies of the rate of exchange of the national currency upon the recommendation of the Governor.
  • Specify such reserve, as the Bank may keep, from time to time, in accordance with the provisions of this Act;
  • Establish and cancel posts of the Bank;
  • Make the terms of service and discipline of the employees of the Bank;
  • Pass the budget and final accounts of the Bank;
  • Constitute a standing, or ad hoc committee, or committees, and specify the functions and powers thereof;
  • Make internal regulations, for organizing the business of the same;
  • Any other functions, or powers, as may be necessary for the achievement of the objects of the bank;


The Present Board of Directors